CATEGORY: Features

Staying afloat when disaster strikes

How the residents of Chrystler’s Farm took a proactive approach to disaster response.

Greening gray infrastructure: uncovering the complexity of Nature-based Solutions

Nature-based Solutions (NbS) are a hot topic in environment and landscape planning networks. But are they a silver bullet for solving the climate crisis?

The hidden crisis of disaster displacement and host community struggles in rural areas of Pakistan

Two years on from the devasting floods that submerged a third of the country, killing more than 1,700 and impacting 33 million, read IWMI Pakistan's new feature on advancing anticipatory action and disaster preparedness for vulnerable communities.

Modern tools and ancient smarts

Al Murunah’s unique approach to climate adaptation and development combines nature-based solutions with agricultural water management interventions and a gender perspective.

IWMI and partners map the state of water across Africa

Earth observation platforms and data will support decision-makers in the management of flood and drought risk.

Wicked water problems: Facing challenges, finding solutions

On World Water Day, IWMI Director General Mark Smith is hopeful about progress for the world’s pressing water challenges.

Cultivating change: Sri Lanka’s smallholder farmers explore climate-resilient solutions

Smallholder farmers are embracing climate-adaptive agriculture, innovations and partnerships.

The best time to plan for drought is when it’s raining

Disaster response needs to move from reactive to proactive if we are going to adapt to climate change.

Urban wetlands and the built environment: how Colombo’s green spaces enhance city life

Colombo must justify the renewal of its Ramsar Wetland City status this year. Has the city sufficiently utilized green infrastructure?

Upping the yield

IWMI supports the Comprehensive African Agriculture Development Program to transform agriculture into a wealth-creating livelihood.

Pakistan Water Week 2023 addresses transformative pathways for water and food systems

With water and food security becoming urgent priorities, Pakistan Water Week convened to explore opportunities for research, innovation and collective action.

Data-driven breakthroughs and the future of agriculture at the CGIAR Digital Innovation Workshop

IWMI’s Digital Inclusion Index was a highlight of the workshop.

Engaging youth in agripreneurship calls for a shift in the “dirty” industry mindset

An IWMI and IFPRI-led workshop discussed the multiple challenges to growing young people's interest in agriculture as a source of livelihood in Malawi.

Water and food systems ready to roll out climate-resilient solutions

A ministerial dialogue and a new global partnership at COP28 signal commitment to integrate water and food systems — for both adaptation and mitigation — in national climate plans.

Water and climate stress are threatening Jordanian refugee hosting communities. What are we doing about it?

IWMI is working to inform the humanitarian response to climate-based vulnerabilities in Jordan through anticipatory action.

Think again: The climate conference does not only last for two weeks

To be effective, COP requires months of groundwork, continued support to negotiators, measuring progress and action for sustainable development.

Unlocking the power of water: Seven interventions to transform food systems

Water is essential for all life on earth and is central to the healthy functioning and sustainability of the Earth’s ecosystems. But what about the profound impact of water on our food systems?

It’s raining in Colombo — but don’t forget the drought in the rest of Sri Lanka

Drought mapping technology and anticipatory action plans could help to manage disaster risk and mitigate the damage.  

Reducing food waste: How to make it work?

IWMI addresses global food waste, emphasizes composting, animal feed, and partnerships to reduce waste, protect the environment, and ensure food security.

Key takeaways from IWMI’s participation at the first-ever MENA Climate Week

A key stop on the road to COP27, the conference allowed IWMI to share blueprints for creating more water-secure, climate-resilient communities across the Middle East and North Africa.

Key takeaways from IWMI’s participation at the 9th World Water Forum

Roundup blog of IWMI activities, events and sessions at the World Water Forum in Dakar, Senegal

Why worry about groundwater?

Making the invisible visible: A chat with groundwater expert Dr. Karen Villholth, Principal Researcher, IWMI

Five key takeaways from World Water Week 2021

IWMI participated in a record 31 sessions at this year’s virtual event. Here are some of our key takeaways.

Food for thought

How farmers in Sri Lanka have taken charge of their destiny by using motor pumps for irrigation.

IWMI in Action

Read on to learn what we aim to achieve, how our researchers work and where we concentrate our collaborative efforts.

The “biography” of a bold idea

Agricultural water productivity for sustainable development

Watershed Moments: A photographic anthology celebrating 30 years of research for a water-secure world

Understanding issues, assessing options for change, and proposing solutions.

International Women’s Day 2016

Understanding the different perspectives of men and women can help deliver more equitable water access

World Wetlands Day 2016: Sustainable Livelihoods

One wetland, many uses: looking out on Anawilundawa lake

World Wetlands Day 2016

Fishing for the future? Conserving our wetlands in an urbanizing world.

Measured mutuality

The SDG indicators for water cooperation.

Facing up to the future

Water for agriculture in an era of climate uncertainty.

South India Floods

IWMI maps to aid emergency response.

Migration Matters

The link between water management and labor movement in South Asia

Veg and the City

How urban farming can save water and feed millions.

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