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DIWASA update 1

IWMI and partners map the state of water across Africa

Earth observation platforms and data will support decision-makers in the management of flood and drought risk.
World Water Day Ethiopia

World Water Day Celebrations – Ethiopia

Water for peace and prosperity: reflection on Ethiopia’s past and exploring the future directions.
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The sanitation circular economy - rhetoric vs. reality

IWMI researchers call for a sanitation circular and solidarity economy which explores innovative economic solutions for the most basic of human needs in ways that are wired for inclusivity.

How can anticipatory action inspire gender inclusion?

This International Women’s Day, we are looking at gender challenges and solutions for designing anticipatory action approaches in refugee and internally displaced persons hosting communities.
Indigenous chicken flock foraging in Ethiopia. Photo: ILRI

Coping with water scarcity in Addis Ababa’s slaughterhouses

Ethiopia’s livestock sector is vibrant and has a huge potential to furnish human nutrition and trade targets in East Africa and beyond, according to experts. Nevertheless, the sector is under threat because of increasing water shortages.
A roundtable on Ethiopia’s PPP strategy development for small-scale irrigation development and management. Muluken Elias Adamseged / IWMI

Navigating the future of irrigation in Ethiopia: Public-private partnerships for small-scale...

Advancing irrigation development through public-private partnership has the potential to increase agricultural output, enhanced food and nutrition security, and potentially lift millions out of poverty.
Cars and donkeys in the Ethiopian Somali region. Radhika Singh / IWMI

Understanding the water crisis in refugee hosting communities in Ethiopia’s Somali...

Understanding the Water Crisis in Refugee Hosting Communities in Ethiopia's Somali Region.
Ethiopia Somali region landscape. Radhika Singh / IWMI

We’re taking the path less traveled: Addressing fragility, conflict and migration...

Climate-induced displacement is rampant in Ethiopia’s Somali region. As co-lead of CGIAR’s Fragility, Conflict, and Migration Initiative IWMI is working to embed resilience-building solutions in Ethiopian refugee, internally displaced persons, and host communities.
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Humming a new tune on World Toilet Day: Creating value through...

Work by IDS and partners, including IWMI, has looked at urban sanitation challenges in Nepal, India, Ethiopia and Ghana.
A woman farmer inspecting a sprinkler

IWMI part of global, five-year program to build sustainable food systems

IWMI will implement the Innovation Lab for Irrigation & Mechanization Systems, funded by USAID and led by University of Nebraska.