Home 2015


Reversing the clock

Ethiopian communities attempt to save biodiversity and livelihoods.

Ethiopia homes in on household irrigation

Ambitious strategy aims to improve the lives of millions
Farming in Ethiopia

Landscapers vs Luddites

Why some farmers adopt rainwater management technologies, whilst others ignore them.

Citizen scientists

A new study from the International Water Management Institute (IWMI) suggests that community monitoring can work, if the right incentives and procedures are put in place.

Sub-Saharan Africa: Making the case for groundwater

Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have always had to deal with an unforgiving climate. The relentless cycles of drought and downpours that characterize much...

World Development Information Day

Bytes and bottlenecks – can data deliver? Leaps forward in data processing power and access to information are helping make irrigation more efficient and sustainable....
Mechanism to supply water for agriculture

Water and poverty

Defining the links October 17 marks the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. In many communities, access to water is potentially a critical factor...

Well drilling delivers

Ethiopian smallholders benefit from groundwater access Ethiopia is often referred to as the "roof of Africa," because its extensive highlands capture a major portion of...
A woman collects water from a pond in Tuka village

Pond, tank or well?

People not just places determine the right choice for agricultural water storage in Africa The Africa Agriculture Science Week (AASW) convened by the Forum for Agricultural...
a landscape approach to resource management

Tending the Trees in Tigray: Are local bylaws an effective way...

To coincide with the 14th Global Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons, taking place in Japan this week, we...