Home 2024


Convention on Biological Diversity

Convention on Biological Diversity: Subsidiary Body on Implementation

The fourth meeting of the Subsidiary Body on Implementation will take place in Nairobi, Kenya.

How to harvest water from clouds of fog

IWMI's Deputy Director General, Rachael McDonnell, spoke to NPR's Goats and Soda about fog harvesting, a traditional technique that is now being expanded.
UN Women Humanitarian Work with Refugees in Cameroon

Building refugee resilience in East Africa through reusing resources

This World Population Day, we explore how refugees can develop resilience with water.
Photo: Futurepump

Challenge winner moves forward with IoT to develop world first database

A network of solar irrigation pumps equipped with sensors that connect to the Internet will potentially provide a world first database of groundwater usage in sub-Saharan Africa.
Tana River watershed, Kenya. Photo: Georgina Smith / CIAT

Assigning value to nature’s bounty

Toward more inclusive water management in Kenya’s Tana River Basin

TheConversation: Food security in Africa depends on rethinking outdated water law

A new study has found that outdated, colonial-era water permit systems across Africa are unintentionally criminalising millions of small farmers who can’t obtain permits. This undermines efforts to boost farming production and meet economic growth goals.

SciDevNet: Key river basin could benefit from climate change

Increased rainfall and river flows in the next decades could make the Tana river basin in Kenya provide more opportunities for irrigation and hydropower generation, according to a report.

When the climate change news is good and bad

The authors of a new study about climate change impacts in Kenya have both good news and bad for the country’s vital Tana River Basin.
Composting in Batticaloa, Sri Lanka

The power of rubbish

New Thrive blog post on turning the burden of sanitation services into a profit using business thinking.

Bloomberg: U.S. Startup Plans Africa Expansion With Solar Watering Kits

Only about 5 percent of African agriculture is irrigated, according to the International Water Management Institute. In Tanzania, for example, the government says it has a 6.8 trillion-shilling ($3.1 billion) irrigation funding gap.