
Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world

During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.

International Day for Disaster Risk Reduction 2021

It is so important to harness the power of international cooperation to reduce risk and losses from disasters.

Phone app gives opportunity to improve water productivity in Lebanon

For the phone app to be effective and sustainable, it must only be regarded as being a part of a more integrated approach to development and codesigned with the end users.

MENAdrought: Tackling drought in Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco 

The main aim of the MENAdrought project is to empower decision-makers across Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco to anticipate, prepare for and mitigate drought impacts in a context of increasing climate change, in order to reduce risks of food and water insecurity.

Giving water a second life

Launch of a major project on water reuse at Cairo Water Week.

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