
Four ways IWMI is using water to advance climate adaptation and mitigation around the world

During COP26 and beyond, IWMI will continue to advance a wide range of water-focused climate solutions and develop a diverse set technical, policy, and financial tools.

Morocco’s decision to publish drought maps could benefit the whole MENA region

The hope is that the technology will be routinely used across MENA in drought management, helping to strengthen resilience to climate change, promote accountability and transparency, and inform scarcity management in arid watersheds.

Press Release: Satellite based flood insurance product set to be launched in Bihar

Experts meet in Delhi to discuss a new initiative to "future-proof" livelihoods of one million smallholder farmers in South Asia

Press Release: New maps aid flood relief efforts

For the first time, maps have been prepared by a consortium consisting of IWMI, the Disaster Management Centre of the Ministry of Disaster Management (MoDM) and the UN’s space based information service for disaster management and emergency response (UN-SPIDER).

Elevated learning

eBee UAV creates a buzz with IWMI scientists.

New maps have India covered

Satellite scans of vegetation show changes to the sub-continent’s land-use.

Measuring a plant’s health from the sky

Satellite-based remote sensing has revolutionized the measurement of evapotranspiration, but computer models need to be constantly refined to be reliable. An IWMI scientist has...

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